
Our parents love Peace Montessori School at least as much as their children do! Parents with children at this school are delighted to speak on our behalf. Please read below for parents’ experiences of the school in their own words.

Our son has attended Peace Montessori School for three years. We are so grateful we found this school. The teachers are dedicated and passionate. The classroom environment they create is encouraging and accepting. I highly recommend this program. We can’t imagine anything else for our son.

Jon Miller
Children’s House & Lower Elementary

We have two children currently enrolled at Peace Montessori School. We could not be any happier with our experience. We have been met with nothing but support and warmth from the staff. And both of our children are absolutely thriving. We would not hesitate to recommend the school. It has been fantastic in every way.

Danielle Ward
Toddler Program & Children’s House

Peace Montessori School in Apex, North Carolina, is an exceptional school! We have already put our older son through the 3 to 5-year old preschool program at Peace Montessori School and when he entered Kindergarten last year, not only was he reading at two grade levels above his peers, but his understanding of math and science concepts far surpassed his public school classmates. Our younger son is currently in his second year at Peace in the 3 to 5-year old program and having an absolutely wonderful experience! He is drastically different in personality from our first son, which makes my recommendation of Peace Montessori’s preschool environment even more powerful. I say this because I handed these amazingly talented teachers two completely different children with varying strengths and weaknesses, and they used their nurturing instincts, kind hearts, and deep understanding of Montessori education to help guide each child toward developing his own individual academic potential and show them how to be more calm and confident throughout daily life. All in all, putting our children in Peace Montessori for preschool was the best decision we ever made!!

Lisa Bartley
Children’s House

We first joined Peace Montessori School for the school year 2006-2007, and just couldn’t believe our good fortune for finding such a wonderful school so close to home. The teachers are kind, patient, encouraging, and dedicated. The director sets a wonderful tone for the school, and is easy to communicate with as well. The school is well versed in the Montessori method. My son thrived at the school and we were truly sad to leave when he entered public school. However, we knew that we would be back three years later when our yet-to-be-born baby would be of age. Indeed, we returned to Peace three years later when my second son joined the toddler room. He is now in his last year in the Children’s House with the same exact teachers as his older brother. This fact alone says it all as it shows that the teachers are truly happy and dedicated, and the environment is nurturing. We would highly recommend Peace Montessori School.

Madavi Chandra
Children’s House & Toddler Program

The teachers are truly happy and dedicated, and the environment is nurturing.

We started both our children at Peace Montessori School this year and have been BLOWN AWAY by both the quality of education and the warmth and kindness of the staff. We moved our older child from another preschool, and the change in his experience and learning is just insane–he LOVES going to school and his learning comprehension is off the chart. I cannot say enough about how great Peace is. My only wish is that we’d started our son here from the beginning of his education!

Gabby Fekete
Children’s House & Toddler Program

Both of my children have attended Peace and really enjoyed themselves. The nurturing environment really helped them grow and develop into bright, independent learners. Now that my daughter is in public school, I look back and know that I made the right decision for her, which was to choose a school small in size and that had virtually no turnover in teachers. The teachers really got to know my children and helped them learn in the way and pace most appropriate for them. My son still goes to Peace and has learned so much in just these past few weeks that I look forward to what the next few years at Peace brings for him.

Harital Patel
Children’s House & Toddler House

Peace Montessori School is simply an amazing school! We’ve been a part of the school for three years and plan to stay as long as we can. This was our first preschool experience and the teachers were nothing but supportive and reassuring. Their patience is endless and their expertise in the Montessori method is exceptional. Our son has completely blossomed during his time there. Every staff member is warm, kind and readily available to help out and answer questions. Each classroom has excellent quality materials for the children to learn everything from math, geography, science, language and so much more. Our son just loves his school and his teachers!

Laurie Maravillas
Toddler House & Children’s House

My daughter has attended Peace Montessori School in Apex for going on three years now. She loves going to school and misses her teachers and friends during summer break and other school breaks. I have no doubt she would not be at the same level she is now if she was enrolled in public school. She gets excited about doing independent research projects and learning as much as she possibly can. The teachers at Peace Montessori School treat the students with respect and, as a result, the students respect and admire their teachers. If a parent is unfamiliar with the Montessori methods used for teaching, I highly recommend they set up an appointment to check out Peace Montessori School to see for themselves how well it works!

Donna Stefanick
Lower Elementary & Chidren’s House

After touring several Montessori schools in the Durham and Raleigh areas, my husband and I enrolled our 20 month old daughter in the Toddler Room at Peace Montessori School. From the first time we met Ms. D and Ms. A we knew this was the perfect fit for our daughter. Since she had never been in a day care setting or away from us for an extended period of time, I was afraid she would have a hard time transitioning to the environment; however because the teachers were so knowledgeable and caring, she was comfortable within the first week. The teachers were patient and encouraging not only to her, but to us as well. I couldn’t believe the growth in her communication skills and the confidence she had in herself. She was excited to go to school everyday and was always proud to show us her works. We even enrolled her in the four weeks of camps that Peace offered during the summer. She loved going to these as well. While at Peace she was guided to learn in a peaceful and caring environment. We can’t say enough about how happy we were to be able to give our daughter the opportunity to attend a school whose entire staff cares so passionately about the children and their well-being.

Mike & Jennifer Torelli
Toddler House & Children’s House

I am very impressed with how Peace has made learning such a wonderfully positive experience!

We decided to send my four-year old son to a Montessori school last year when he was getting into trouble for not wanting to sit in his chair for extended periods of time in his traditional preschool. I looked at several Montessori Schools in the Apex/Cary/Raleigh area and was most impressed with the staff at Peace. After the first week of school my son started doing math out loud in the back of the car while we were driving home from the grocery store. My husband and I also notice that he seemed calmer at home and he starting asking all of these really intelligent questions like, “What does melting mean?” We decided to send our three-year old to Peace Montessori School for two days a week this year as well and I was really nervous because he was struggling with separation anxiety. Not only does my three-year old love going to school but he actually gets upset when I tell him it is not a school day on his days off from school. Also, my older son used to hate to go to school when he was at his traditional preschool and now at Peace he keeps asking when he can stay for extended day. I am very impressed with how Peace has made learning such a wonderfully positive experience!

Heather Clugston
Childen’s House & Toddler House

Peace, the name says it all: peaceful learning, peaceful kids, peaceful teachers, and peace of mind. We moved to this area from California two and a half years ago. After looking at nearly all of the preschools in Apex (not an exaggeration), we found out about Peace from a neighbor. When I visited, I was struck by the calm and quiet atmosphere at Peace. The children, even two year olds were quietly moving about their classrooms and working and learning. This was such a stark contrast to traditional preschool programs. The teachers were calmly guiding the students and the toddlers (!) were listening intently and asking questions in a calm way. The school is really geared towards providing children with a breadth of knowledge and with developing good social skills. After two plus years at Peace, my four year old has learned so much and has grown into an inquisitive, empathetic and polite child in addition to learning math, reading, science, Spanish, and even yoga. The teachers reach out to parents to share their knowledge and culture with the class. They have had special lessons on Chinese New Year and Diwali. The school even has a “nature lady” who comes in some Fridays to show the children some of the wildlife of North Carolina. This school is a real gem! We are so happy to be part of it!

Ushma Shukla
Children’s House

My youngest child has been at Peace Montessori School for six years. We started there as my oldest child was struggling in public school and both of my children are dyslexics. Next to homeschooling, the International Dyslexic Association highly recommended Montessori as the next best thing. I started researching Montessori and how it is different from public school. I then searched out many Montessori schools in the area. What brought me to Peace is the smaller class size as well as the fact they I feel they are the most true to Montessori than the others. I love that Montessori supports the child in all ways. Allows the child to be where they are and not forced into a group. If my third grade child is reading at a sixth grade level, it’s supported. If my 4th grade child is doing math on a sixth grade level, it’s supported. Due to the small class sizes, the teachers know where a child is in their development, what they are currently working on and what’s coming up next. Unlike public school where the child is evaluated on one day out of the quarter, the teacher can tell you on any given day what and how your child is doing. My children love Peace Montessori School. It’s the only school that they get upset to be away on break. They love their friends and their teachers.

Inga Bogart
Lower & Upper Elementary

When comparing the education that my eleven year old has received at the elementary level, I would put it like this. Public education (K-2) is like shopping at a big box store, being forced to make off the rack purchases. Private education at Peace Montessori School (3-5, current student) is like a special order, unique and individualized purchase that is of the most superb quality and value. You honestly get what you pay for…an INVALUABLE piece of mind in knowing that you are providing your child with the BEST in education and socialization. The opportunity for growth is guaranteed when your child is immersed in a safe, caring and fun environment, which allows for creativity, security and full acceptance. Peace Montessori School is equipped to work within the child’s OWN learning mechanism…which is the complete opposite of being forced into a box within the public educational setting. The Montessori way allows the child to work at his/her pace, guaranteeing mastery of concepts, fulfilling educational curriculum standards and even surpassing the grade level bench marks to satisfy the child’s natural breadth of curiosity and comprehension thresholds. My child has risen to her full potential while learning how to trust her educators and advocating for herself!

Heidi Judd
Upper Elementary

We went to an Open House at Peace Montessori School before my daughter started second grade, but ultimately decided to put her in the local public school. By the middle of 4th grade that was not working out for her, and I remembered how much we liked the Montessori program, and Peace Montessori School in particular. We brought her to the school for a day to try it out – and we were all immediately ready to switch! She started right after winter break that year (two years ago) and we have been happy with that decision every day since then. I only wish we had moved her sooner. We have been impressed with the quality of the teachers, the overall education she is getting, the numerous field trips (which enhance their learning tremendously!), and the warm, friendly atmosphere at Peace Montessori School. My husband and I really cannot say enough good things about Peace Montessori School! Specifically, I like the small class size and teacher/student ratio, the weekly class meetings where students are able to talk about interpersonal and social issues in a calm, clear way, and the time management, personal responsibility, and life skills they learn everyday. It’s been great getting to know the other students in her class and their parents, and I feel that we have all made lifelong friends. Also, it is a real comfort and advantage having the same teacher for three-year periods, as well as a curriculum, which spans that time period. Each child is able to move at his/her individual pace and learn in the best way for them. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that enrolling our daughter at Peace was the single best decision we have made for her education – both in the classroom and in life.

Jackie & David Sinicrope
Upper Elementary

The bottom line is that enrolling our daughter at Peace was the single best decision we have made for her education.

As we searched for a preschool for our daughter, we went from place to place all around town. We were disappointed in many options. Some options we liked and they seemed plenty good enough and we thought that would be that. But then we came to Peace and immediately felt at home. We knew within minutes we had found the perfect preschool for our daughter. The director, Sharon, welcomed us into her child-friendly office and interacted with Arianna much as we do: with respect, with care, with joy in her exploration. She gave us the tour through the entire school and eventually we came to the preschool classroom. Our daughter happily looked around and one of the preschool teachers immediately began working with her while we asked more questions. Our daughter was clearly welcomed and felt immediately comfortable in the surroundings. We soon enrolled and have been thrilled with the school in every way. Our daughter is clearly well cared for, thoroughly enjoys going to school and we see many changes in her development every week. Now that we are settled in as a Peace family, our only regret is that we waited two and a half years before seeking them out! What we love:
–the Montessori philosophy: the work of childhood, help me do it alone, child-led learning and so much more. –the staff: very well educated as teachers and particularly in Montessori, kind and caring.
–daily updates in our daughter’s journal
–weekly newsletters that detail with words and pictures what is happening in the classroom and in the school in general
–the responsibility given to children in so many ways from cleaning up, preparing snacks, doing their own work, communicating their needs
–a general feeling of warmth with a deep understanding and respect for each child as an individual We look forward to many years at Peace and encourage everyone to come see this school in person! Yes, a little different looking or plain on the outside, but a wealth of treasures on the inside!

The Beasley Family
Toddler Program & Children’s House

We and our 3 year old just love Peace Montessori. We were impressed with our first visit to the school when I saw the current students very polite and even though they were 3-4 years old, they came and took our 3 year old along with them to play/eat without being asked by the teacher. I always believe that we need to give space to our kids to learn by themselves what is right and good. Also we need to nurture their creativity by letting them follow their instincts. Peace Montessori supports this very well and their way of teaching is unique and outstanding. Since my daughter started going to the Peace Montessori, we can see a huge improvement in her knowledge, nature, creativity and behavior. Within 2-3 days of school our daughter was looking forward to the next day of school even though she was very shy person! She is sad when she has a day off even though we try to spent a good amount of time with her at home. We are very thankful to Ms Susan and Ms Karen for their great effort on development of our daughter. As we are not that creative, we were worried about our daughters but the addition of art camp is like a gift, Louise is a very great teacher. Now our daughter knows a lot more about art and she is a lot more creative. Our second daughter who is 1 year old, will join her sister once she is old enough. I would recommend them to every parent.

The Shah Family

Peace Montessori is simply an amazing school! We’ve been a part of the school for over 3 years and plan to stay as long as we can. This was our first preschool experience and the teachers were nothing but supportive and reassuring. Their patience is endless and their expertise in the Montessori method is exceptional. Our son has completely blossomed during his time there. Every staff member is kind and readily available to help out and answer questions. Each classroom has excellent quality materials for the children to learn everything from math, geography, science, language and so much more. Our son just loves his school and his teachers! The staff have created a very warm, welcoming environment for all of the students and families. We recommend Peace at every chance we get. My husband and I really cannot say enough good things about Peace Montessori!

The Horvath Family

This is our fifth year being a part Peace Montessori and we have loved every minute of it. My oldest daughter was enrolled there from the time she was two in the Toddler Room and then moved up and did all three years in the Children House (3-6 years old). She excelled both academically and socially in this environment. Our experience completely sold us on the Montessori style of teaching and I would recommend it to anyone! My younger daughter, who is much more shy than my eldest, is in her 2nd year there. It has been wonderful to watch her develop confidence and grow this year. She loves to learn and has thrived at this school. The teachers are extremely warm and caring, and they truly love being there with the children.

The Sykes Family
Toddler Program & Children’s House

Without a doubt, Peace Montessori is a gem of a school. The education is excellent but it is the people that truly make it special.

My son, now in fifth grade, attended Peace Montessori years ago. At the time, we had nothing but positive things to say about the school and teachers. The academic foundation that Peace Montessori offered him has helped him immensely in his young academic career. His favorite teacher was Ms. Anita, and each time we see her either at school or around town, she still greets him with warmth! Now, years later, my daughter is at Peace Montessori. My confidence and positive experience with the school has surpassed my original experience. My daughter started in the Toddler House; Ms. Dona and Ms. Amy treated her with kindness, respect and were wonderful role models for her each day. I knew everyday that she was in their care that she was would be treated kindly, and valued as a human being. My daughter has now moved up to Ms. Susan and Ms. Karen’s classroom, the same classroom (and teachers) that once taught my son. I believe it is a true tribute to the school and Director, Ms. Sharon, that she has maintained the consistency of her staff for so many years. I have seen no turnover in teachers which is amazing. Without a doubt, Peace Montessori is a gem of a school. The education is excellent but it is the people that truly make it special.

Lisa Davidson
Toddler Program & Children’s House

We enrolled both our son & daughter into Peace Montessori this past August (2013). After nearly 4 months of schooling, we have witnessed exceptional improvement in our children’s vocabulary, motor skills and general knowledge base. Coming from a play-based preschool prior to Peace, we have been pleasantly amazed at the level of academic & individual care they provide our children. The instructors & staff are quite experienced, yet still have substantial enthusiasm after many years of teaching. Best of all, our children love it! From the daily classroom to the afterschool programs – they are excited & happy to both participate & learn. We are very pleased thus far and look forward to a wonderful remainder of the year.

Gabe & Irish Stepanic

I began my quest to find a Montessori school for my daughter several years ago. Upon visiting many Montessori schools in the Cary/Apex area, I stumbled upon Peace Montessori. Peace is run by an owner, Sharon, who truly embraces the Montessori approach and supports her teachers by giving them the resources they need to help children thrive both inside and outside the classroom. My daughter is thriving at Peace with the help from her passionate teachers. She comes home and talks about the science experiments they’re doing in class, the upcoming International holidays, and the different continents of the world. She especially loves the extracurricular visitors whom Sharon has incorporated into the students’ monthly schedule. These include Spanish lessons, Yoga instruction and animal/life science instruction.

As a former teacher, I have high standards and Peace exceeds my expectations. I’m happy to share that my daughter (age 4) is making meaningful relationships with her peers and teachers. In addition, my twins, whom are enrolled in the Toddler Program, have made remarkable progress…from language development to social interactions…I couldn’t be more pleased with their progress. Once again, though, the credit is due to the passionate teachers who help make this possible and, for that, I’m thankful for all that Peace Montessori has done to help my children thrive during the most important developmental years of their life.

Teresa Michelle
Toddler Program & Children’s House

We really appreciated how Peace Montessori has welcomed our child and helped him through his first years in pre-school. He didn’t speak any English when we first moved here from Europe, but the teachers have really helped him to integrate and feel comfortable with all the other kids.

Thomas Rasmussen

Coming from a foreign country is difficult to adapt to a new culture, however when we discovered Peace Montessori we felt it like our own home. Our son every day is welcomed with smiles, with a clear daily work routine, with an environment full of peace and happiness that can be viewed and felt every day. We see our son developing, achieving work in silence, challenging himself every day, being independent, but overall we see a happy child that loves his teachers, his classmates and his preschool.

Definitely his second home.

Luis Molinet Rodríguez